TA DA! Oh happy day, it's done! Whew...let me just say that it was a LOT of work, a lot of sweat, a little blood and a few tears {of frustration} along the way but it's finally done! I call it done but I do have a couple things left and one is to figure out the best way to re-vamp that front window rock guard you see in the first photo. For now it's done though and … [Read more...]
Hi-Lo Renovation Day 7, 8 and 9
Whew, it's been awhile since I posted on how the renovation is going on the 1961 Hi-Lo, so I figured I better get a post up here to show you where I'm at. I decided to clump together day 7, 8 and 9 because basically day 7-8 were just boring mundane stuff. Keep in mind that these days aren't concurrent. It was one day here...another day there. A lot of times it just … [Read more...]
Hi-Lo Renovation Day 5
I spent about 9 hours working on the Hi-Lo yesterday. I was fortunate to have a couple helpers to help with the heavy lifting as it takes more than one person to lift and maneuver those 2 x 4's that are holding it up. I got quite a bit done and was able to finish repairing the wood on the lower 4 inches on the walls which wasn't too difficult. The hard part was … [Read more...]
Hi-Lo Renovation Day 3 & 4
So I'm back to working on the Hi-Lo this weekend. I had to take a pause and call in a restoration guy to come out and give me some advice before proceeding. So this is where we are at to date. The first thing I had to do is raise the roof {meaning the entire top half of the trailer} in order to be able to replace the seal. Let me just say that raising the top half … [Read more...]