For quite some time I’ve stared at this brown stove in my Shasta Compact and it stuck out like a sore thumb. Not that brown is a completely awful color but it’s really not a fun color and it certainly doesn’t do much to brighten up my little kitchen.
So with that said, I sent my stove top and door off to be re-porcelained. Applying new porcelain requires stripping the old porcelain, coated them with a new porcelain finish and firing the pieces at 1200 degrees. This is NOT the same as simply repainting it. If you want to actually use your stove to cook with I highly recommend against simply using appliance paint or any other type of paint for that matter. If you do and end up cooking on it, you run the risk of the stove giving off some toxic fumes. Now if you know for sure that you’ll never use it to cook on then repainting is fine. In our case, I think there could be a time when it’s used for cooking. I prefer cooking outdoors and in such a tiny space such as inside a Shasta Compact I really don’t want to smell it up with cooking smells. However, I can see us stuck indoors during a rain storm and opting to cook something on the stove if simply sandwiches were not available. OK, now I’m rambling….the point is I wanted the option to be able to cook on it if I needed to.
I went with a color they call robin blue. I think it’s more of a baby blue but that’s OK by me. It’s much better than the brown and I pretty thrilled with it!
So here it is. I hope you like it! Click the image for a larger view.

OH KELLE! It’s absolutely FABulous! I LOVE it…and SO MUCH PRETTIER than the old coppertone! I just have a stove TOP and so used high heat enamel paint to repaint the “harvest gold” color…it’s working out okay, but it would have been wonderful to have had it reporcelained. WAY COOL. I really LOVE cooking in my canned ham…the hubs is asthmatic and I’m culinarily challenged when it comes to campfire cooking, so it works out perfect for us. A hot bowl of tomato soup and grilled cheese are two of our rainy day faves!
The stove looks very nice. I usually go the safe route too… as soon as I say I won’t ever do something, somehow, I end up doing it.
Thank you! I just love how it turned out.
Kelle- it looks awesome! How expensive was it and how long did it take? Thanks!
Barb, it took about 6 weeks to get it back. Cost was appx $300 including shipping both ways. A bit more than I originally wanted to spend but now it’s done and I’m very happy with it.
I see this is an old post but I am hoping that you see this. Can you tell me who you used to reporcelin your stove.
It’s beautiful! You’ve done a great job on the Shasta!
Thank you so much (:
It was well worth it Kelle! Made a huge difference and I am surprised it didn’t cost more!
Thank you. I’m thrilled how it turned out.
Love the stove,love your colors!! Hope to see you and your Shasta In May TCT Milford MI.
Thank you Alice. Yes! We’ll be at TCT Milford rally. I can’t wait!
Ok, I am a bit obsessed & want a caravan / trailer. I love your site & hope to visit often. I love everything I am seeing here. The redo is great! I love your painting of the trailer too in your about page. Happy to find you via blog land.
Hi Theresa, Glad you are enjoying the site! Welcome to the club too of those of us that are also obsessed (: It’s a good obsession to have!
I want to send mine to be re-porcelined too. Where did you send it? Yours looks great!
Erika, I had it done at Mattera Stove Works out of RI.
Love the color of the oven. I want to do that to my very ugly brown Airstream stove. Will look into it now. It looks great. Sooooo much better
Thank you! I love it too and it made such a huge difference changing the color.
Wanting a camper to glam up, I’ve been searching for a VERY long time! I live in Ohio. Do you help vintage lovers find their gem? I have all fabrics, assesories, paint picked out just wanting one piece of the pie! My two daughters and I long for a space that we too can call our sweet vintage gem! Do you help others….PLEASE say you do! I can barely look at your site without getting butterflies in my stomach!!!??
Looks nice!
But do you have a link or address to the company that did the re-porcelain job?
Hi Hari, I shipped the pieces off to They are located in RI.
Hi Kelle. Today I bought a 1968 Aloha, with the back door and kitchen. Model H13, 13ft. It has red paint on the outside but not sure if it is an original color. I have seen pics of aqua, pink, yellow, and green pastels. Do you know how to find out what the original options were? I do not have the funds to completely restore to original, but I would like to do her at least in the correct color palett. 😀 Oh and I have a 1959 Dodge truck that was my Dad’s that is a Tourquoise color. Thought it might be cool to match it?
Thank you for your time. Your trailer is beautiful!!!!!
A vintage nut!
Do you know if you can still get new frigs and stoves for vintage trailer………or reconditioned??? If so where??
Shelly, your best bet would be to keep an eye on Craigslist or try here:
Kelly, I just purchased a rare 1963 rear door Shasta. It is fully restored BUT it doesn’t come with an oven or stove. Can you give some idea as to where I can find a stove for a Shasta? I understand that you can paint the stove any color. Can you help direct me? Thank you. . .Your Shasta is DARLING!
Hi Sally,
You might keep an eye on Craigslist as I’ve seen quite a few oven/stoves come up for sale on there.
Love your stove! Love your site! It is a little addicting though and I am not getting any work done. Just acquired my second camper…the first one, while it was free, was not salvageable. My stove is green, but in good shape, so I am going with it and decorating around the color. Thanks for all of your information!
Anyone know of places in the PNW (namely WA) that does this? I just bought a 1961 16SC (super excited!) and it came with the same brown rusty color stove. Love the turquoise color!
This is perfect info! I can’t tell you how much I appreciate your site. I am reading it top to bottom!
I have that same color stove that came original in my 1965 Aristocrat but I need touch up paint for it. Any ideas on where to get it?
Any ideas you have would be great! Thanks! Also is there a place here to post photos or our trailers? Didn’t know but that would be fun.
I’m not sure where you could get touch up paint unless you took it to someone who specializes in re-porcelain. You can submit photos at the submission link; Would love to see your trailer!
I have an old wheelie trailer we are renovating, I’m having a hard time finding a paint in teal I can use..any suggestions?
I have an old wheelie trailer we are renovating, I’m having a hard time finding a paint in teal I can use..any suggestions?
I had my serro scotty stovetop reporcelined enameled. I couldn’t live with an ugly brown stovetop either. I had it done in white, just in case I ever sold my glamper, and they wanted to redo it, it wouldn’t clash with their dé turned out really nice. well worth it to me.
I got mine re-porcelined at independace porcelain enamel. they also did a good job, located in missouri
Hi what color turqouise did you use ..I just bought a 1968 shasta
It looks great. I have the same stove and I’d like to get it reporcelined but can’t figure out how to get door off. Any tips?
Our stove is that same model (color and all) and we are looking for new trivets/grates for the top. If anyone has suggestions please share!