The TCT rally event at Camp Dearborn was another huge success! If you’ve never attended a rally, I really encourage you to go. We pulled in and set up on Thursday. That night everyone gathered under the giant tent area armed with their crock pot dishes to share. YUM! Then Friday we spent the day shopping at antique shops in Howell, MI. Friday night they had a great band play down at the Canteen. They also had the Friday night lights contest (the trailer with the best lights won). Saturday was the open house from 11am – 4pm that was open to the public. This is a lot of fun! It’s a time where you can tour all of the trailers and even go inside most of them. It usually takes the entire time to see them all since there is usually appx 160 vintage trailers in attendance. Saturday night they had a wonderful catered dinner at the giant tent and afterwards they had the awards, 50/50 raffle and door prizes. It was a great time and it was wonderful to see old friends and make new ones. I was so busy during the open house I didn’t get a chance to take a lot of interior photos of the trailers but I did snap a few of the exteriors of some to share with you all.
Of course first up is Buttercup.
Buttercup’s huge king size bed.
This blue beauty is for sale.
A gorgeous Shasta Astroflyte for sale. This reminds me of ours so much. I miss it. I forgot how roomy these are.
I loved the matching tow vehicle.
Very unique with the rear entry on this 1935 Bowlus.
I loved this one! See those upper windows? There are seats up there. Can you imagine being able to ride up there? Not sure it’s legal to do so anymore but I bet back in the day that was the best seat in the house!
This rig is so cool! It reminds me of a marshmellow on wheels….hee hee.
An adorable little truck camper combo. I just love this! If I had the room I swear I’d probably have a fleet of vintage trailers, campers, motor homes, etc., I’d likely end up on the show Hoarders but I wouldn’t care.

Thanks for the pics Kelle. Pinned a couple and they’ll link back to your blog. Wish I could have attended that rally… but I did go to the TCT Convention rally in Florida this year. So many cool trailers and other rigs.
Carrie, thank you for pinning! I always appreciate that and glad you enjoyed the pictures. I just wish I could of taken a bunch more. But I’ll be sure and get plenty at a rally I have coming up in July.
Looks like a great place to find a new trailer! Such cool looking trailers, wish I could’ve been there!
Oh – and I love Buttercup’s king size bed, what an extra!
How do you find out about buying that blue trailer??? 🙂
Loran, unfortunately I don’t have any info on it, other than seeing that it had a for sale sign. I believe they were asking $15,000 for it.
Loran, I found the ad for it on Tin Can Tourist:
Thank you for sharing! There’s not a camper I don’t love!
What fun! When and where is the next trailer rally in July? I would be interested in coming to an open house. I have been talking about getting a trailer for a couple of years now. I think an open house would perk my husband’s interest. Right now, he is concerned about the driving and the pulling of a rig
Hi Patti, I’ll find out just what day/time the open house is. Here is a link though with more info on the July rally.
Hi, We are the owners of the Lt. blue 1955 Silver Dome Camper. Yes it is for sale for $15,500.00 or best. You can see the ad in the classified at TCT web page. Thanks for loving it. It sure is a gem and very easy to pull.
I’m interested in the Silverdome, is it still available? Please send email.
LOVE the pics! thanks for a great post
Thanks for sharing all the great vintage trailers. We are in our second year of camping and we really love it. We have a 2011, 23′ trailer, but I do love decorating it. Our bed has no room on the sides like your king bed. How do you get your spread to look so neat? Thanks again for sharing…
Hi Robin,
If you were to watch me make that bed up you’d probably get a good giggle from it. I actually have to crawl around and spread the sheets and bedding out as I go. It’s actually quite a pain to make the bed up (:
I noticed your featured Tag Along Post with the interior painting….I tried hard to win that camper on Ebay and lost! So Sad! Please let me know if you see anything like this one come up for sale! Love the Vintage Campers! Love your site! Thanks, Jennie
Jennie, aw sorry you didn’t win it. It was sure a cutie. But the right one with your name on it will come along.
I have a 1969 Playmor I will be traveling with soon. I was wondering where the rallies are. I am now in Fl. headed to Me. for the summer and am a workcamper
Hi Lana, check out for rally info. They have listings by state and upcoming dates. That’s neat that you are a Workcamper. How did you find out about doing that? Sounds interesting!
How do I find out about trailers for sale on this site
Use the Trailer’s For Sale link: and also visit: