Look what showed up at my house! This is a 1955 Bellwood, a trailer of my dreams! I spotted on like this one in Kentucky awhile back sitting in front of someone’s house. Of course I had to stop and check it out. The gentleman came out and told me that it wasn’t for sale but encouraged me to go take a look inside. It was love at first sight! Ever since then I told myself if I came across a vintage Bellwood camper, I would buy it.
As luck would have it an ad came up for one for sale in Arizona. I think I actually started hyperventilating when I saw it. I just knew I had to have it! But how to get it home? Do I break my own rule and buy it sight unseen just based on photos? It’s a scary prospect and one I don’t recommend but after talking with the seller and receiving more photos I decided to take a leap of faith. I lined up a company to transport it, sent a bank check for the trailer and it was a done deal.
Here is a video of the trailer arriving on the flat bed. I sped it up because I’m sure you all don’t want to sit through 45 minutes of video. But this will show you how they unloaded it. Trust me when I say that while I was filming this I think I had about 3 mini heart attacks. It was stressful watching it come off the flatbed. The only mishap is that at some point during her transport the roof vent got torn off. So it was completely gone when she arrived. So she currently has a sunroof. But we hope to get that replaced and repaired asap.
This trailer is 11 feet long from the front to her rear. If you count the bumper then she is 12 feet. Over all from tongue to rear bumper she is 14 feet. She is in wonderful condition with original interior, original floors, etc., I believe that living her life in the dry Arizona climate had a lot to do with how well she was preserved. Granted she does have a bit of minor water staining under the front and rear window but nothing that isn’t repairable. In fact, I’m not going to mess with any of that until next year.
Here are her photos.
I normally am not a huge fan of rear bumpers but I actually really like hers. It’s made from a chrome 1955 Ford truck bumper. I plan on repainting her wheels white.
The original seats I will eventually either recover or make slip covers. I just realized if you look closely through the front window you can see my daughter riding her bike (:
Love the wood in this! It has a double bed in the back and a canvas bunk. The red curtains will go.
Her darling wee kitchen. The icebox, stove and sink are almost flawless.
Original floors. This floor is almost flawless as well. It’s truly in amazing condition.
That’s all for now. I’m currently working on some unique curtains for her and I’ll show you all those when I’m done. I also started to polish her exterior. That is a long process but I believe she is going to shine up like a new penny. We have decided to name her Jelly Bean. I hope you like her!

Oh Kelle! Jelly Bean is absolutely FABulous! The little icebox stove just KILLS me! My kingdom for such a treasure! I imagine she is going to be just as sweet as can be when you are done with her…this time I think you did the right thing by going with your “gut.” Bravo brave girl! Bravo!
I not that long ago found a 1955 Bellwood just like your’s. Mine is not very nice, but from the waist up very good. The gal that likes the icebox-stove, Can have mine m I live in Phx.I am thinking, I could have this done in a month or so. Hope to see you on the road. Happy, Camping, Tony
I just purchased (rescued) a 55 bellwood. She’s in for a total restoration. Do you still want to part with that icebox? I’m still amazed that she is sitting in my garage.
You can have anything u can use. I am not using from the inside.Tony(623)500 1121
You can have what you need. (623)500 1121
do you still have the stove and ice box? I am restoring a ’55 aloha and they would fit perfectly.
Thank you
Walnut Creek, CA
You can have both FREE (623)500-1121 TONY
She really is swoon-worthy. There are so many details that make it exceptional. Like, I love the little crank (is that what it is?) on the faucet. The stove is fabulous. The bumper is really cool.
And I gotta say that I vote to keep the wheels red or some other color. With that much chrome and aluminum, there needs to be a pop of color in there somewhere and all the red marker lights really set the red on the rim off.
Love it! We have a 1949 Crown with same size and a similar look but was a wreck when we got it- Love seeing what our trailer might have looked like “before”! Thanks for sharing and love the trailer! Enjoy!!!!
aww, Congrats on your Bellwood! I have a 1954 aloha and have only seen one other one for sale in the past 6 years!
She is absolutely adorable!! Congrats to you! Enjoy her 🙂
Beautiful shape for a sight unseen. Lucky trailer! Lucky Kelle! You might need a trailer charm with her name on it!!!
Bellwood crush
Oh how absolutely adorable! I love the pristine condition of so many of the original features, and the wood looks just lovely. Our 64 Serro Scotty had her interior painted white before we got her, so we’ll probably leave her that way, but I do love the warmth of the vintage wood interiors of so many of these little canned hams. Totally psyched for you!
Thank you so much everyone for the lovely comments. We couldn’t be happier!
now I have a serious case of trailer envy!!!!
Thanks Ted! We just love it.
WOW, I can’t believe your luck. If it were mine I would keep the original everything and just make slip covers for the cushions, and make the curtains your own of course and the accents. I guess the mattress is kinda old but man, does she look amazing!!! Maybe this is why we don’t have anything near this age up here on Vancouver Island because of the damp, they would rot out. I am soooo jealous Kelle, so jealous!! Make sure to keep us posted. Heck you will be able to just go camping in her as she is!!
Hi Sue, I think that may be the route I’ll take the with cushions. I have this visual plan in my head for slip covers for them. Everything else in the trailer will be left original except of course I’ll be making curtains. I’m working on some now and I’ll post in a few days a preview. I think they are turning out pretty neat. The mattress is worn but it doesn’t smell or anything so I think what I’ll do is try and sanitize it somehow and put memory foam or my feather bed mattress over it and then sheets, etc., Should end up pretty comfy. My favorite thing in this trailer is the original floor. It’s almost flawless!
Ok! Totally jealous! It is awesome. I want one just like it. However, I love the red wheels and would not change those.
I know there is one of these in my future, I just know it!
Lucky, lucky girl!! If I could find a little gem like that with a bunk in back and dinette in front I would sell my 61 compact in a heartbeat. I am tired of taking the dinette down and setting up the bed when we camp! Enjoy your new baby =)
Melissa, thank you! I didn’t know you had a Compact! Unless I’m just having a memory lapse (: That’s the same year as our Compact. I bet yours is darling. I’ve visited your blog several times. Very nice! I’ve added a link on my blogroll and thank you for adding mine.
What a beautiful little camper. I’m re-building a 1965 Eriba Titan. If you want to leave a message on my website. It’s not as fancy as this one but I like it.
I love this little trailer – and those floors are to die for!!
What a beauty! Can’t wait to see how you decorate it! Have fun!
Congratulation!! I can see why you could have mini heart attacks,I was sweating with you watching them unload.
Wow! What a cutie. How exciting to finally see it pull up. I would of been a nervous wreck. Congrats on your find.
Amazing nice condition on the interior! I JUST purchased my own Tin can camper { a 1967 F.A.N camper of 13ftlength & an oxidized aluminum skin in need of some polishing}. I fund your sight through a pinterest snapshot while searching out other campers similar tomine for inspiration. Mine is not as in good of shape but 90% of the original interior still intact. I look forward tofollowing along with your new camperproject and of courselooking through your archives to inspire me with thismuch exciting adventure.
Farmchick, how exciting that you got it! I peeked at the pictures and it looks adorable. I love the Fan campers. They have a lot of charm. Thank you for sharing on Pinterest!
Love it!
NICE – i’m looking for another trailer to go with our 69 Aristocrate LandCommander – the kids (4) want me to do one for each one of them. i would love to do that but life and money keep getting in the way.
Thank you Leroy.
Jelly Bean is just amazing! What a truly beautiful camper…
We have a vintage Victor camper that has been in our family for over 30
years, which is also in Arizona, that I am hoping to have transported to us here in TN.
Could you share with me the company you used to have Jelly Bean shipped?
(LOVE, your flour sack curtains!)
What a perfect trailer…I am looking for this exact size and layout. It was fun to see one delivered to you. Thanks for your posts and gem of a website!
an awesome little find……….
Hi there just wanted say good find, I was lucky enough too find a 1955 aloha it’s not as nice as your but hopefully get there soon. My looks just like yours in side I got her for 1700 thought that was a good price. I did notice that my side lights are lower. I plan on restoring her too the original condition. She need too be polished and some new Birch wood inside.She is also 11feet long. And she has the same window setup mine.Would you be able too talk with me I have some question about your.
very nice can ham, I feel very lucky because I just bought the same tralior I live in portland oregon she’s needs a lot of intior work but every things there I need too replace a lot of the birch would. My is a 1955 aloha can ham.its just like yours the same in every sents. would love too chat with you have some question too ask you could I give you my cell number I’m picking mine up on Saturday morning 3/23/13 it’s good too see what mine will hopefully be. Just got some new aloha decals for her. Hope too here form you . My cell is 9714045293. You really have a great find.
Hi Kelle,
I’ve enjoyed looking at your little camper. hope you had a good first season with her. 🙂 We just bought a Bellwood (1954 i believe) that looks identical to yours in design-sadly nowhere near yours in condition. I was wondering if I could get some interior measurements and specific photos from you to help us in restoring ours. I’m wondering about your table dimensions and what exactly the tall cabinet for clothes looks likes. The cabinet in ours is completely gone and the table is just a make-shift that doesn’t fit. Hoping to restore to a reasonable approximation to an original. Thanks in advance for your help. Cheers, Cydney
Thk.you so much for this video and pic gallery. I actually own one of these little campers . But I never reLly knew the true name.of it . Its a lot rougher than that one but I have owned it 17 yrs . We use it all the time for deer hunting and fishing trips. I have camoflaged it. The only thing different is the stove actually has an oven under it and then a ice box under that. But the stove and oven work . Dont really care about the ice box though. The workmanship of the wood inside is incredible. I just wish mine looked.that good though. I already get a lot of compliments on mine I could imagine if it looked like that. If you would like to contact me about my little.camper plz feel free to via email.
Beautiful little trailer. Love it. Not often you find one in such pristine condition. The stove/refrig are precious. We own a ’51 Boles Aero and it is similar.
I have to disagree about painting the wheels white. I am trying to convince my husband to paint ours red. I think it looks great with the silver body and black tires. Don’t do it!
why dont you get some fake whitewalls . and leave the red wheels
Jellybean’s floor is very close to the one in my 1954 Traveleer.
OH WOW!! What a perfect little beauty!! I have a 1954 Bellwood that I’m working on, but sad to say all of my pretty wood has been painted over in black. Breaks my heart! Don’t have loads of money for a complete restoration so I will probably just paint the interior all white with black and red accents. Enjoy your precious little camper!! Just seeing it gets me excited to finish mine. Take care!