1976 Serro Scotty 15’ JS model (Flat Floor). Six feet tall on the interior and 83” wide. Just rebuilt from the frame up by Rob the Rebuilder. New tires, skin, running lights, safety chains, four pin wiring, 2000# jack. Windows rebuilt, no leaks, rebuilt door, 30 amp shore power, new vintage two door refrigerator, new 5000 btu AC, potty closet, under bed storage, bed platform is standard RV size 48” x 83”. City water in and gray water out. New stainless steel sink and faucet. New tweed upholstery on dinette seating. Wilsonart laminate on table and kitchen countertop. LED lighting inside. Sheet vinyl flooring. Beautiful camper for your decorative style. 15 feet long including hitch. Clear title in my name. Call or email for video.
Located in Sand Springs, Oklahoma
Price $11,900
Email – RebuilderRob@gmail.com
Cell – 918.948.4804

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